Yanglist takes the well being and safety of our users very seriously. Please use the following steps to report criminal, abusive or harmful activities:
If you suspect the sexual exploitation of minors and/or human trafficking Yanglist.cc urges you to report it immediately to the appropriate authorities.
f you feel that a user of this site has -- or is going to -- use this service (directly or indirectly) to engage in illegal, abusive or harmful behavior, please report the violation immediately to your local authorities.
The appropriate law enforcement agency is best equipped to assess the threat, resolve the issue, and prevent harm. When you contact Yanglist.cc to report violations of law without first contacting the authorities, you will be referred to this page. Yanglist.cc cannot investigate and resolve disputes between users.
Once you have filed a complaint, you may contact us at legal@yanglist.cc with the following details:
- Summary of the incident
- Your contact information
- Case or incident number
By providing us this information we will be better prepared when contacted by the proper authorities. It is Yanglist.cc policy to cooperate fully when required by law to respond to search warrants, court orders or criminal investigations to 1) detect and address fraud and other illegal activity 2) protect ourselves, you and others, and 3) prevent death or imminent bodily harm.
If the violation you wish to report is not of an imminent, dangerous or criminal nature please refer to our Report TOS Violation page.
If you think a serious threat exists or a law is being broken, your first step should always be to contact your local authorities.