Verified Pictures
You don't have enough verified pics yet.
You need a minimum of 5 verified pics for them to show up on your Verified ad.
Make a Yanglist Verified sign
Go ahead and get a piece of paper and write "Yanglist.cc 01/06/23" (DD/MM/YY).
Make sure the sign and text is big enough so it's easily read from far away. Use paper that is at least letter sized.
Take 5 or more pictures of yourself with the sign
The sign can be stood up, hung, stuck on a wall, or you can hold it.
Just make sure it's visible in the pictures.
Make sure your pictures are in a few different poses
We won't verify you if all your pictures are in similar poses.
No nudity is allowed in the pictures
Upload the pictures to Yanglist!
You need to submit at least 5+ images of yourself with the sign in order to be Verified. Once you submit your images, it may take up to 24 hours to get Verified.
Please note: All your Verified Images will appear in ALL your Verified Ads and Directory Profile.

Verified Pictures
You don't have enough verified pics yet.
You need a minimum of 5 verified pics for them to show up on your Verified ad.
I will only advertise myself in my Verified ad.
I agree that I will not post any fake images in my Verified ad.